How dynamic connector block improves conversion rates

Creator Theme Feature Fest starts January 22nd

The whole premise of Small Plugins is that we build simple, straight-forward functionality. So it’s probably a bit hard to understand how something that “just works” could possibly improve your conversion rate!

That’s the absolute beauty of the Dynamic Connector Block. It just works.

In order to improve your conversion rates, you need to make sure you’re sending relevant information to a curated audience.

In the past, that has involved navigating a lot of limitations that the dynamic connector block doesn’t have!

The dynamic connector block can include:

  • a call to action
  • products
  • related category-specific content
  • all of the above!

There are no limits to what you can achieve with the dynamic connector block. The only question we have for you is: what will you do with your capabilities?

Why does this matter?

It’s hard to build a call to action, or offer resources your audience cares about when content naturally varies. Even in an extremely niched down situation, there will still be information that is relevant for one reader that is NOT relevant for another.

When you use conditional contents to determine what your audience sees, you have control! The more specific you become, the more curated your process becomes, and the better your conversion rates are overall!